Bold (played by Cheng Kuai An) leads a group of bandits to successfully rob the Diamond Emperor of South Africa. They find a middleman named Li Yunfei (played by Chen Huimin) to sell the stolen goods, but during the transaction, they shoot and kill the acquirer, and Li Yunfei takes advantage of the situation to escape. Undercover Zhang Lang (played by Stephen Chow) and his girlfriend Zhou Wenli (played by Vivian Chow) are due to special work circumstances
Bold (played by Cheng Kuai An) leads a group of bandits to successfully rob the Diamond Emperor of South Africa. They find a middleman named Li Yunfei (played by Chen Huimin) to sell the stolen goods, but during the transaction, they shoot and kill the acquirer, and Li Yunfei takes advantage of the situation to escape. Undercover Zhang Lang (played by Stephen Chow) and his girlfriend Zhou Wenli (played by Vivian Chow) are due to special work circumstances