The drama tells the story of Xia Yumeng (played by Wang Luqing), a brainy manga artist who has been willing to be a salted fish for his whole life, creating the villain Shen Mingxi (played by Zhang Yijie) in his manga works. After Shen Mingxi travels through time and space to Xia Yumeng's world, he becomes entangled in her emotional entanglement with her dream male god Bai Ze (played by Ren Yunjie), leading to a series of beautiful and warm moments
The drama tells the story of Xia Yumeng (played by Wang Luqing), a brainy manga artist who has been willing to be a salted fish for his whole life, creating the villain Shen Mingxi (played by Zhang Yijie) in his manga works. After Shen Mingxi travels through time and space to Xia Yumeng's world, he becomes entangled in her emotional entanglement with her dream male god Bai Ze (played by Ren Yunjie), leading to a series of beautiful and warm moments