Adapted from the short stories "D-Saka Murder" and "Psychological Test" in Edogawa Rampo's Sage Kogoro Short Story Detective Series, it is a Japanese erotic film directed by Akio Shigemi. In 1927, during the financial crisis in Japan, the female owner of the Tuanzizaka Old Bookstore in Honjo ku, Tokyo, Sugiyoshi, was at the Tsukudo Cave
Adapted from the short stories "D-Saka Murder" and "Psychological Test" in Edogawa Rampo's Sage Kogoro Short Story Detective Series, it is a Japanese erotic film directed by Akio Shigemi. In 1927, during the financial crisis in Japan, the female owner of the Tuanzizaka Old Bookstore in Honjo ku, Tokyo, Sugiyoshi, was at the Tsukudo Cave