"Sakura of Yaeyoshi" tells the story of the 87 years that happened during the life of the daughter of Yamamoto Kenba, a master of artillery in the Aizu domain, and Sakuma and his wife, Shinjima Yaeyoshi. Shinjima Hachige (played by Ayase Yao) was born into the family of a samurai in Aizu. He defended the city of Hecheng in Aizu with five hundred women during the Wuchen War, and married Xiang during the Meiji period as a Christian
"Sakura of Yaeyoshi" tells the story of the 87 years that happened during the life of the daughter of Yamamoto Kenba, a master of artillery in the Aizu domain, and Sakuma and his wife, Shinjima Yaeyoshi. Shinjima Hachige (played by Ayase Yao) was born into the family of a samurai in Aizu. He defended the city of Hecheng in Aizu with five hundred women during the Wuchen War, and married Xiang during the Meiji period as a Christian