The story begins with the encounter between a young girl named Tsujisawa Ryuuka (played by Hiroshi Hirose) and an old woman named Lin Tianya Naiyin (played by Yuko Tanaka). Ryuuka loses her family and is disconnected from society, unable to find a way to survive. Her two hearts, betrayed and deceived, and unable to trust others, collide and develop a certain kind of relationship. Yaya Naiyin works hard to protect them
The story begins with the encounter between a young girl named Tsujisawa Ryuuka (played by Hiroshi Hirose) and an old woman named Lin Tianya Naiyin (played by Yuko Tanaka). Ryuuka loses her family and is disconnected from society, unable to find a way to survive. Her two hearts, betrayed and deceived, and unable to trust others, collide and develop a certain kind of relationship. Yaya Naiyin works hard to protect them