Mayuki Hayase (played by Hiroshi Hiroshi) and her mother, Kenko Hayase (played by Yuki Saito), live a life of mutual dependence. With the help and support of Kenko, 25-year-old Mayuki teaches English classes in high school, a job that everyone envies. To outsiders, the relationship between Meiyue and Xianzi is very close, and the two are extremely close
Mayuki Hayase (played by Hiroshi Hiroshi) and her mother, Kenko Hayase (played by Yuki Saito), live a life of mutual dependence. With the help and support of Kenko, 25-year-old Mayuki teaches English classes in high school, a job that everyone envies. To outsiders, the relationship between Meiyue and Xianzi is very close, and the two are extremely close