Pop musician Ding Yijun, played by Zhang Zhenlang, is occasionally plagued by nightmares and later caught up in a plagiarism scandal, so he moves to a small village for temporary residence and relaxation. Yi Jun accidentally opens the old wardrobe of the village house and releases the playwright female ghost Yun Liufang, played by Gong Jiaxin. Liu Fang, originally a Cantonese opera actress from the 1990s, passed away due to an accident. Liu Fang has lost
Pop musician Ding Yijun, played by Zhang Zhenlang, is occasionally plagued by nightmares and later caught up in a plagiarism scandal, so he moves to a small village for temporary residence and relaxation. Yi Jun accidentally opens the old wardrobe of the village house and releases the playwright female ghost Yun Liufang, played by Gong Jiaxin. Liu Fang, originally a Cantonese opera actress from the 1990s, passed away due to an accident. Liu Fang has lost