"Rural Love 11" was exclusively broadcasted on Youku on January 26, 2019, and is updated every Monday to Saturday at 10:00 am. This drama tells the story of the villagers of Xiangya Mountain, led by Liu Neng, Guang Kun, and Zhao Si, who misunderstand the national agricultural policies such as "precision poverty alleviation" and "investment attraction" in the context of the new era, and how they interact with the new era
"Rural Love 11" was exclusively broadcasted on Youku on January 26, 2019, and is updated every Monday to Saturday at 10:00 am. This drama tells the story of the villagers of Xiangya Mountain, led by Liu Neng, Guang Kun, and Zhao Si, who misunderstand the national agricultural policies such as "precision poverty alleviation" and "investment attraction" in the context of the new era, and how they interact with the new era