Due to his father's debts evaporating, his homeless daughter Taoyuan Nainaisheng (voiced by Rinko Mimori) had to wander the streets. On the way, Nainai Sheng helped a man who was being chased by a vicious dog. The man told Nainai Sheng his name was Yuying (voiced by Akira Ishida), and after learning about Nainai Sheng's experience, he
Due to his father's debts evaporating, his homeless daughter Taoyuan Nainaisheng (voiced by Rinko Mimori) had to wander the streets. On the way, Nainai Sheng helped a man who was being chased by a vicious dog. The man told Nainai Sheng his name was Yuying (voiced by Akira Ishida), and after learning about Nainai Sheng's experience, he