The drama is adapted based on the work experience of renowned forensic expert Wang Xuemei, and tells the story of an unconventional special case team composed of picky team leader Shang Jie, professional female forensic expert Xia Ying, trace appraiser Li Xuekai of Wanjinyou, natural intelligence information analyst Song Mi, and second-generation psychological profiling expert Ying Ming. It brings together various types of special cases in the bureau
The drama is adapted based on the work experience of renowned forensic expert Wang Xuemei, and tells the story of an unconventional special case team composed of picky team leader Shang Jie, professional female forensic expert Xia Ying, trace appraiser Li Xuekai of Wanjinyou, natural intelligence information analyst Song Mi, and second-generation psychological profiling expert Ying Ming. It brings together various types of special cases in the bureau