The story tells of an ordinary girl named Song Anqiao, who is accused of being sold into a wealthy family by her mother to pay off debts, and who first marries and then falls in love with the young master of the Chu family, Chu Feiyuan. Song Anqiao took the initiative to propose a divorce, but angered Chu Feiyuan. The two of them, who had failed the divorce, began a life of laughter and sorrow after marriage in a wealthy family.
The story tells of an ordinary girl named Song Anqiao, who is accused of being sold into a wealthy family by her mother to pay off debts, and who first marries and then falls in love with the young master of the Chu family, Chu Feiyuan. Song Anqiao took the initiative to propose a divorce, but angered Chu Feiyuan. The two of them, who had failed the divorce, began a life of laughter and sorrow after marriage in a wealthy family.