The director of the Police Department's Search Division, Lingko Hikawa (played by Yuko Takeuchi), is a capable, courageous, and tough Leo female detective. She works with her subordinates, Kazuo Kikuda (played by Hideyoshi Nishijima), Takashi Ishikawa (played by Takahiro Ujiki), Yasuhiro Tomita (played by Takahiro Maruyama), Zezhi Yeyama (played by Keisuke Kobayashi), and off staff members
The director of the Police Department's Search Division, Lingko Hikawa (played by Yuko Takeuchi), is a capable, courageous, and tough Leo female detective. She works with her subordinates, Kazuo Kikuda (played by Hideyoshi Nishijima), Takashi Ishikawa (played by Takahiro Ujiki), Yasuhiro Tomita (played by Takahiro Maruyama), Zezhi Yeyama (played by Keisuke Kobayashi), and off staff members