Chong (played by Wu Qihua) is a young and promising lawyer who forgets to take care of his girlfriend Qin (played by Wu Meiheng) due to his obsession with his career. In the end, the two of them break up. Coincidentally, Meixue (played by Guo Keying), who is also extremely heartbroken due to a breakup, comforts each other and quickly gets married. But the sweet life lasted for a while, and the two of them
Chong (played by Wu Qihua) is a young and promising lawyer who forgets to take care of his girlfriend Qin (played by Wu Meiheng) due to his obsession with his career. In the end, the two of them break up. Coincidentally, Meixue (played by Guo Keying), who is also extremely heartbroken due to a breakup, comforts each other and quickly gets married. But the sweet life lasted for a while, and the two of them