After being sent to study in New York by his mother (played by Masahiro Kaga), Daimyoji (played by Run Matsumoto) suddenly cut off contact three months later. As a result, the restless Sugigami (played by Mako Inoue) finds it unbearable to miss each other. She decides to go to the United States to find her husband. After meeting, there is no joy or surprise, and the other party coldly throws out "You and You"
After being sent to study in New York by his mother (played by Masahiro Kaga), Daimyoji (played by Run Matsumoto) suddenly cut off contact three months later. As a result, the restless Sugigami (played by Mako Inoue) finds it unbearable to miss each other. She decides to go to the United States to find her husband. After meeting, there is no joy or surprise, and the other party coldly throws out "You and You"