The film tells the story of a middle-aged writer named Chen Southeast (played by Cui Zhijia) who has achieved nothing and travels back twenty years due to a car accident, where he meets his young self. In order to make up for the regret of his youth, middle-aged Chen Southeast helps young Chen Southeast (played by Diao Biao) to bravely pursue love, fight back, and find ways to save his first love Shen Li (played by Wang Qian)
The film tells the story of a middle-aged writer named Chen Southeast (played by Cui Zhijia) who has achieved nothing and travels back twenty years due to a car accident, where he meets his young self. In order to make up for the regret of his youth, middle-aged Chen Southeast helps young Chen Southeast (played by Diao Biao) to bravely pursue love, fight back, and find ways to save his first love Shen Li (played by Wang Qian)