Shinichi Makita, a student at Izuki Academy, attempted suicide by jumping off a building. The reason for suicide was campus bullying, and student president Fujiwara Hayato knew that Makita had been bullied and felt that he was a weak person, so it was only natural for him to be bullied. Fujiwara was suddenly pursued on the street. The unscrupulous group led by Eternal Health Company is relentlessly pursuing him. Fujiwara not only cleverly
Shinichi Makita, a student at Izuki Academy, attempted suicide by jumping off a building. The reason for suicide was campus bullying, and student president Fujiwara Hayato knew that Makita had been bullied and felt that he was a weak person, so it was only natural for him to be bullied. Fujiwara was suddenly pursued on the street. The unscrupulous group led by Eternal Health Company is relentlessly pursuing him. Fujiwara not only cleverly