On April 1st, a high school student named Junxun (voiced by Run Fukuyama) has a unique physique and can see and attract various ghosts and monsters. His friends Baimu Gui (voiced by Kazuya Nakai) and Kokui (voiced by Jing Ito) are both special abilities. Baimu Gui has the ability to drive away demons, while Kokui has the ability to attract misfortune
On April 1st, a high school student named Junxun (voiced by Run Fukuyama) has a unique physique and can see and attract various ghosts and monsters. His friends Baimu Gui (voiced by Kazuya Nakai) and Kokui (voiced by Jing Ito) are both special abilities. Baimu Gui has the ability to drive away demons, while Kokui has the ability to attract misfortune