The film tells the story of Zhu Zhixin (played by Wu Qianyu), who has a pair of blind parents: Gan Xiaohong (played by Hui Yinghong) and Zhu Guoqiang (played by Wu Dairong). She, who is well behaved and sensible, has become the "eyes" of her parents since childhood, depicting the shapes and colors of the world for them. With the arrival of girls' adolescence, they love drawing
The film tells the story of Zhu Zhixin (played by Wu Qianyu), who has a pair of blind parents: Gan Xiaohong (played by Hui Yinghong) and Zhu Guoqiang (played by Wu Dairong). She, who is well behaved and sensible, has become the "eyes" of her parents since childhood, depicting the shapes and colors of the world for them. With the arrival of girls' adolescence, they love drawing