Lu Jinnian (voiced by Dai Chaoxing) and Qiao Anhao (voiced by Chen Yiwen) met in the third year of junior high school. The two, who had complementary personalities and similar interests, gradually developed a sincere relationship. However, whenever Lu Jinnian is ready to confess his feelings to Qiao An, accidents often occur, causing the confession plan to miscarry. It's like fate playing tricks on people
Lu Jinnian (voiced by Dai Chaoxing) and Qiao Anhao (voiced by Chen Yiwen) met in the third year of junior high school. The two, who had complementary personalities and similar interests, gradually developed a sincere relationship. However, whenever Lu Jinnian is ready to confess his feelings to Qiao An, accidents often occur, causing the confession plan to miscarry. It's like fate playing tricks on people