In the tenth year of the Tensho era, the most important event in the history of Japan's Warring States period broke out - the Honji Incident, and on the sixth day, the demon king Oda Nobunaga (played by Hideki Shinai)'s dream of hegemony was shattered. While inheriting Nobunaga's legacy, his subordinates also engaged in open and covert struggles about the successor. Danyu Nagahide (played by Shoichi Kobayashi) and the head writer Lao Chai
In the tenth year of the Tensho era, the most important event in the history of Japan's Warring States period broke out - the Honji Incident, and on the sixth day, the demon king Oda Nobunaga (played by Hideki Shinai)'s dream of hegemony was shattered. While inheriting Nobunaga's legacy, his subordinates also engaged in open and covert struggles about the successor. Danyu Nagahide (played by Shoichi Kobayashi) and the head writer Lao Chai