Abao (played by Lei Yuyang), Adong (played by Chen Xiaochun), Praying Mantis (played by Zheng Haonan), and Yong Zai are the swordsmen in the club, specializing in clearing hostile figures from the club. The four of them have been in the industry for many years, and while they hold a high position in the mainland of the club, they also face endless killings and hostility from other clubs. Adong acts steadily and invests
Abao (played by Lei Yuyang), Adong (played by Chen Xiaochun), Praying Mantis (played by Zheng Haonan), and Yong Zai are the swordsmen in the club, specializing in clearing hostile figures from the club. The four of them have been in the industry for many years, and while they hold a high position in the mainland of the club, they also face endless killings and hostility from other clubs. Adong acts steadily and invests