The story revolves around multiple families including Nan Li, Xia Junshan, daughter Xia Huanhuan, son Xia Chaochao, Tian Yulan, Yan Peng, and son Yan Ziyou. Children are about to graduate from elementary school to junior high school, and every family is facing various changes. The parent-child relationship is also gaining new understanding through continuous communication and selection, and parents and children are embracing a shared future
The story revolves around multiple families including Nan Li, Xia Junshan, daughter Xia Huanhuan, son Xia Chaochao, Tian Yulan, Yan Peng, and son Yan Ziyou. Children are about to graduate from elementary school to junior high school, and every family is facing various changes. The parent-child relationship is also gaining new understanding through continuous communication and selection, and parents and children are embracing a shared future