In the 1990s, in a small town by the Yangtze River, rebellious and rebellious boy Zhao Xiaolong (played by Li Xian) met his beloved girl Dong Dong (played by Gu Xuan) and his friend Xiao Mei (played by Zhang Qiyan). With his initial intention in mind, he met several friends: Fang Yuan (played by Dong Borui), senior (played by Lin Xiaofan), San Pi (played by Liu Weibo), and Wu Yi(
In the 1990s, in a small town by the Yangtze River, rebellious and rebellious boy Zhao Xiaolong (played by Li Xian) met his beloved girl Dong Dong (played by Gu Xuan) and his friend Xiao Mei (played by Zhang Qiyan). With his initial intention in mind, he met several friends: Fang Yuan (played by Dong Borui), senior (played by Lin Xiaofan), San Pi (played by Liu Weibo), and Wu Yi(