The Anti Japanese War drama "God of War" tells the story of Long Dagu (played by Chen Sicheng), who suffered from the baptism of war. He rose from the rank of commander to the rank of commander of the corps, relying on his courage and wit to resist enemies thousands of miles away, and is known as "Guiguzi" or "God of War". Between Long Dagu and Ma Zheng (played by Du Chun) and Yan Zhenfan (played by Yu Zhen)
The Anti Japanese War drama "God of War" tells the story of Long Dagu (played by Chen Sicheng), who suffered from the baptism of war. He rose from the rank of commander to the rank of commander of the corps, relying on his courage and wit to resist enemies thousands of miles away, and is known as "Guiguzi" or "God of War". Between Long Dagu and Ma Zheng (played by Du Chun) and Yan Zhenfan (played by Yu Zhen)