In the prosperous era of the Tang Dynasty, Emperor Ming of Tang, Li Longji (played by Tang Guoqiang), and the young and beautiful Yang Guifei (played by Wang Luyao) sang and sang night and night, causing the "distressed wife" Mei Fei (played by Lv Liping) to fall into a state of desolation, which triggered a palace struggle between Mei Fei and the Guifei. Concubine Mei presented the charming singing voice of Xu Hezi (played by Ma Su) to Emperor Ming, who bestowed upon her a title
In the prosperous era of the Tang Dynasty, Emperor Ming of Tang, Li Longji (played by Tang Guoqiang), and the young and beautiful Yang Guifei (played by Wang Luyao) sang and sang night and night, causing the "distressed wife" Mei Fei (played by Lv Liping) to fall into a state of desolation, which triggered a palace struggle between Mei Fei and the Guifei. Concubine Mei presented the charming singing voice of Xu Hezi (played by Ma Su) to Emperor Ming, who bestowed upon her a title