High school girl Yuki Miura (played by Yuki Miura) teases her timid classmate Kikugawa Niko (played by Han Yinghui), causing her to be greatly frightened. Afterwards, Kikugawa was absent from class, and Yukiwa and others began to dream of the haunted Kikugawa. What's even more terrifying is that they died in nightmares one after another. Desperate Snow Painting Only
High school girl Yuki Miura (played by Yuki Miura) teases her timid classmate Kikugawa Niko (played by Han Yinghui), causing her to be greatly frightened. Afterwards, Kikugawa was absent from class, and Yukiwa and others began to dream of the haunted Kikugawa. What's even more terrifying is that they died in nightmares one after another. Desperate Snow Painting Only