Adapted from the original manga of the same name, "The Flower of Evil," created by Akimoto. The director is Masashi Okada, who has directed manga adaptations such as "Take the Call! The Girl Over There", and the screenwriter is Mori Okada, who has written many popular animated scripts such as "We Still Don't Know the Name of the Flower We Saw That Day". Infatuated with the famous French poet Baudelaire
Adapted from the original manga of the same name, "The Flower of Evil," created by Akimoto. The director is Masashi Okada, who has directed manga adaptations such as "Take the Call! The Girl Over There", and the screenwriter is Mori Okada, who has written many popular animated scripts such as "We Still Don't Know the Name of the Flower We Saw That Day". Infatuated with the famous French poet Baudelaire