The drama tells the story of a group of ambitious young people in the mid-1990s who fought and started businesses in pursuit of their ideals. Yue Fei is unwilling to accept the current situation, abandoning the iron rice bowl of state-owned enterprises, and leaving her hometown to venture into Shanghai. She started from scratch, experienced ups and downs several times, and with her own efforts and technological superiority, entered the ranks of "Shanghai Huazhen Port Machinery Company" for rapid development. Yue Fei
The drama tells the story of a group of ambitious young people in the mid-1990s who fought and started businesses in pursuit of their ideals. Yue Fei is unwilling to accept the current situation, abandoning the iron rice bowl of state-owned enterprises, and leaving her hometown to venture into Shanghai. She started from scratch, experienced ups and downs several times, and with her own efforts and technological superiority, entered the ranks of "Shanghai Huazhen Port Machinery Company" for rapid development. Yue Fei