In the twelfth year of the Tianbao reign, Kong Hongjun, a handsome young man who was not familiar with worldly affairs, left the Yaojin Palace on the Taihang Mountains with three important tasks and came to Chang'an, where music, dance, and prosperity were flourishing. When Kong Hongjun first joined the Tang Dynasty's Demon Exorcism Department, his immediate superior turned out to be Li Jinglong, a general of the Dragon Martial Army who had recently dealt with him. And he accidentally smashed Chen's heart lamp, the heart lamp
In the twelfth year of the Tianbao reign, Kong Hongjun, a handsome young man who was not familiar with worldly affairs, left the Yaojin Palace on the Taihang Mountains with three important tasks and came to Chang'an, where music, dance, and prosperity were flourishing. When Kong Hongjun first joined the Tang Dynasty's Demon Exorcism Department, his immediate superior turned out to be Li Jinglong, a general of the Dragon Martial Army who had recently dealt with him. And he accidentally smashed Chen's heart lamp, the heart lamp