This drama revolves around the love story between Dong Tianfu, the eldest young master of the prestigious Dong family, and Ye Zichun, the daughter of the tailor Ye family. The new generation student Gong Zheng plays the male lead Dong Tianfu in the drama, and they have a touching and difficult love story with Ye Zichun played by Dai Jiaoqian. Tianfu and Zichun, childhood sweethearts, admired each other, but they fell in love because their doors were not suitable for each other
This drama revolves around the love story between Dong Tianfu, the eldest young master of the prestigious Dong family, and Ye Zichun, the daughter of the tailor Ye family. The new generation student Gong Zheng plays the male lead Dong Tianfu in the drama, and they have a touching and difficult love story with Ye Zichun played by Dai Jiaoqian. Tianfu and Zichun, childhood sweethearts, admired each other, but they fell in love because their doors were not suitable for each other