In the winter of 1941, the Japanese puppet army launched a large-scale attack on the Soviet Henan Anhui base of our New Fourth Army. In order to prevent the economic and financial lifeline of the base area from being attacked and damaged, the New Fourth Army Headquarters has decided to randomly transfer Jianghai Bank. Just as another emergency transfer began, Lin Xiaotong, a graduate of Yancheng Anti Japanese University, brought a letter of introduction from the military headquarters to Jiang
In the winter of 1941, the Japanese puppet army launched a large-scale attack on the Soviet Henan Anhui base of our New Fourth Army. In order to prevent the economic and financial lifeline of the base area from being attacked and damaged, the New Fourth Army Headquarters has decided to randomly transfer Jianghai Bank. Just as another emergency transfer began, Lin Xiaotong, a graduate of Yancheng Anti Japanese University, brought a letter of introduction from the military headquarters to Jiang