The series is adapted from the novel of the same name by Yun Zhongyue, and tells the story of a single girl named Mi Xiaoqi who accidentally stumbles on the Kunpeng Continent. In order to return to her original life in the Cloud World, she strives to gather all the spiritual jade and find her own "destined person". Under the opportunity, she has a sweet and humorous love story with the black prince Bei Gongyan and the evil city lord Nan Fengchen, who are both in love with her
The series is adapted from the novel of the same name by Yun Zhongyue, and tells the story of a single girl named Mi Xiaoqi who accidentally stumbles on the Kunpeng Continent. In order to return to her original life in the Cloud World, she strives to gather all the spiritual jade and find her own "destined person". Under the opportunity, she has a sweet and humorous love story with the black prince Bei Gongyan and the evil city lord Nan Fengchen, who are both in love with her