The drama is adapted from a popular manga by Yoshiyuki Yoshiyuki, written by Kako Moriya. It tells the story of a parallel Edo world where men and women reverse. During the Tokugawa Iemitsu era, the smallpox epidemic caused a sharp decline in the male population, and social outcomes also underwent earth shattering changes. After the third shogun Iemitsu, the female took over the position of shogun, serving as the shogunate's authority
The drama is adapted from a popular manga by Yoshiyuki Yoshiyuki, written by Kako Moriya. It tells the story of a parallel Edo world where men and women reverse. During the Tokugawa Iemitsu era, the smallpox epidemic caused a sharp decline in the male population, and social outcomes also underwent earth shattering changes. After the third shogun Iemitsu, the female took over the position of shogun, serving as the shogunate's authority