In the beautiful season, Uesugi Tatsuya (voiced by Mizuya Yuji), Waya (voiced by Nanba Keiichi), and Asakura Nana (voiced by Riko Takako), three childhood friends, successfully entered the high school department of Mingqing Academy. Compared to the other two, Da also seemed absent-minded. He wandered around various corners of the campus, but it was not long before
In the beautiful season, Uesugi Tatsuya (voiced by Mizuya Yuji), Waya (voiced by Nanba Keiichi), and Asakura Nana (voiced by Riko Takako), three childhood friends, successfully entered the high school department of Mingqing Academy. Compared to the other two, Da also seemed absent-minded. He wandered around various corners of the campus, but it was not long before