An 11 year old sixth grade elementary school girl named Momoko Miyamura (voiced by Kazuo Miyama) moved from Tokyo to Shijima in the Seto Inland Sea with her mother Yuko (voiced by Yuka) after her father passed away unexpectedly. The busy mother has no time to take care of the peach, making it often feel lonely and helpless in the new environment. Peach has always kept its father's name, only writing it down
An 11 year old sixth grade elementary school girl named Momoko Miyamura (voiced by Kazuo Miyama) moved from Tokyo to Shijima in the Seto Inland Sea with her mother Yuko (voiced by Yuka) after her father passed away unexpectedly. The busy mother has no time to take care of the peach, making it often feel lonely and helpless in the new environment. Peach has always kept its father's name, only writing it down