The drama is adapted from Xu Guixiang's original novel "Immediately Under Heaven". In 1928, during the Great Revolution, Chen Qiushi, with the help of progressive youth Zhao Ziming, embarked on a revolutionary path to escape his father's arranged marriage and was sent to the Huangpu campus to study military affairs. Despite being thin and weak, he possesses strategic talent and has grown into a general under the guidance of his mentor. Due to trust
The drama is adapted from Xu Guixiang's original novel "Immediately Under Heaven". In 1928, during the Great Revolution, Chen Qiushi, with the help of progressive youth Zhao Ziming, embarked on a revolutionary path to escape his father's arranged marriage and was sent to the Huangpu campus to study military affairs. Despite being thin and weak, he possesses strategic talent and has grown into a general under the guidance of his mentor. Due to trust