Scientist Huang Santai (Yokosuke Educhi), who has disabled legs, led a scientific team (such as Da S, Chen Bolin, etc.) to invent the "Mengjie Sponge" and capture the ghost of a thirteen year old boy who was imprisoned. In order to investigate the cause of the boy's death so that he could also become a similar ghost after his death, Huang Santai brought in a detective with extraordinary abilities, Ye Qidong(
Scientist Huang Santai (Yokosuke Educhi), who has disabled legs, led a scientific team (such as Da S, Chen Bolin, etc.) to invent the "Mengjie Sponge" and capture the ghost of a thirteen year old boy who was imprisoned. In order to investigate the cause of the boy's death so that he could also become a similar ghost after his death, Huang Santai brought in a detective with extraordinary abilities, Ye Qidong(