Mano Ando (played by Hiroshi Sato), who can't bear to look back on his past, received a phone call from his colleague Miyoshi (played by Shingo Kawakami) early in the morning, learning that his friend Takayama Ryuuji (played by Hiroyuki Makita), who was studying at the University of Medical Sciences, had died unexpectedly. Ando dissected the body of Takayama and ruled out suicide and homicide, only to find that his friend had died
Mano Ando (played by Hiroshi Sato), who can't bear to look back on his past, received a phone call from his colleague Miyoshi (played by Shingo Kawakami) early in the morning, learning that his friend Takayama Ryuuji (played by Hiroyuki Makita), who was studying at the University of Medical Sciences, had died unexpectedly. Ando dissected the body of Takayama and ruled out suicide and homicide, only to find that his friend had died