It tells the story of Xia Lin (played by Wang Shuang), a female artist who works hard for her dream of becoming an actress. During a dinner party, Xia Lin unexpectedly falls in love with Ling Yizhou (played by Xu Kaicheng), the richest man in Hong Kong. In order to maintain her beloved career, Xia Lin wants to unite with Ling Yizhou to clarify the matter. Ling Yizhou tells Xia Lin that she should take responsibility for it
It tells the story of Xia Lin (played by Wang Shuang), a female artist who works hard for her dream of becoming an actress. During a dinner party, Xia Lin unexpectedly falls in love with Ling Yizhou (played by Xu Kaicheng), the richest man in Hong Kong. In order to maintain her beloved career, Xia Lin wants to unite with Ling Yizhou to clarify the matter. Ling Yizhou tells Xia Lin that she should take responsibility for it