Han Shengzhu (played by Ji Hyun woo), a man who underwent a 180 degree transformation after an accident, "looks good on the outside, but with just a little stimulation, he will become a real madman.". Honey Juice is obsessed with hormones, and Zhu Renya (played by Li Shiying), a woman who relentlessly pursues and beats Han Shengzhu for research, is known for her hormones
Han Shengzhu (played by Ji Hyun woo), a man who underwent a 180 degree transformation after an accident, "looks good on the outside, but with just a little stimulation, he will become a real madman.". Honey Juice is obsessed with hormones, and Zhu Renya (played by Li Shiying), a woman who relentlessly pursues and beats Han Shengzhu for research, is known for her hormones