The decadent and decadent middle-aged man Hiroshi Fujishima (played by Hiroshi Oso) also had a happy and happy family. As a criminal detective, he was forced to retire early due to beating his ex-wife Tomoko (played by Akira Kurosawa)'s lover. At the lowest point where the future was invisible, he received a phone call from Tongzi, revealing that Fujishima's daughter Kanako (Komatsu)
The decadent and decadent middle-aged man Hiroshi Fujishima (played by Hiroshi Oso) also had a happy and happy family. As a criminal detective, he was forced to retire early due to beating his ex-wife Tomoko (played by Akira Kurosawa)'s lover. At the lowest point where the future was invisible, he received a phone call from Tongzi, revealing that Fujishima's daughter Kanako (Komatsu)