The animation is adapted from the original manga "The Temptation of the Cat Demon" created by Tencent Animation's contracted author Qingyu. The Jingfen Cat Demon is reborn with memories from a past life, threatening to seek revenge against his ex lover, but seeing him makes him want to pounce on him. What should I do?! Looking at the most unethical female protagonist in history, between the high and cold abstinence male god and the evil and charming cold and gorgeous demon king,
The animation is adapted from the original manga "The Temptation of the Cat Demon" created by Tencent Animation's contracted author Qingyu. The Jingfen Cat Demon is reborn with memories from a past life, threatening to seek revenge against his ex lover, but seeing him makes him want to pounce on him. What should I do?! Looking at the most unethical female protagonist in history, between the high and cold abstinence male god and the evil and charming cold and gorgeous demon king,