The TV series "Shaanbei Hanzi" features a group of Shaanbei Hanzi represented by Bai Wenhuan. Since the Xinhai Revolution, they have been searching for a way to save the country and the people. With the courage of integrity and justice, they unite their poor brothers to fight against the reactionary forces, but always fail time and time again due to various reasons. The people of Shaanbei are suffering in dire straits.
The TV series "Shaanbei Hanzi" features a group of Shaanbei Hanzi represented by Bai Wenhuan. Since the Xinhai Revolution, they have been searching for a way to save the country and the people. With the courage of integrity and justice, they unite their poor brothers to fight against the reactionary forces, but always fail time and time again due to various reasons. The people of Shaanbei are suffering in dire straits.