Fei Peony Arong (played by Junko Fuji) searches around for the girl with cataracts, Mr. Ishikawa. He learns the clues from the ronin Aoyama Nagaro (played by Moto Sugahara), and then sets off to Asakusa, Tokyo to meet with Tetsugaku (played by Shouro Arakan), who is in charge of performing arts. The business operated by Tie Pao Jiu
Fei Peony Arong (played by Junko Fuji) searches around for the girl with cataracts, Mr. Ishikawa. He learns the clues from the ronin Aoyama Nagaro (played by Moto Sugahara), and then sets off to Asakusa, Tokyo to meet with Tetsugaku (played by Shouro Arakan), who is in charge of performing arts. The business operated by Tie Pao Jiu