The story takes place on a hot summer day in the 58th year of the Showa era. Due to a job transfer from his parents, a 16-year-old boy named Jiucheng (voiced by You Kobayashi) moved from a bustling metropolis to a small mountain town called Chang'e Street. A small river divided the town into two parts: "New Market Street" and "Old Market Street". Here, Jiucheng Jie
The story takes place on a hot summer day in the 58th year of the Showa era. Due to a job transfer from his parents, a 16-year-old boy named Jiucheng (voiced by You Kobayashi) moved from a bustling metropolis to a small mountain town called Chang'e Street. A small river divided the town into two parts: "New Market Street" and "Old Market Street". Here, Jiucheng Jie