Since childhood, Kagami (played by Watanabe Bunko) has been captivated by the beauty of the female owner of the Watanabe family, Yuki (played by Hidako Takamatsu). Therefore, when she grew up to be a beautiful young girl, she would rather give up her luxurious life and marry down to the Huagang family, who deal with patients all day long. In the first three years, a husband who had never met before
Since childhood, Kagami (played by Watanabe Bunko) has been captivated by the beauty of the female owner of the Watanabe family, Yuki (played by Hidako Takamatsu). Therefore, when she grew up to be a beautiful young girl, she would rather give up her luxurious life and marry down to the Huagang family, who deal with patients all day long. In the first three years, a husband who had never met before