Honda Wangjie stars in "Welcome Back to Nagara Town Ise~", and the story tells of Natsumi Nishikawa (Honda Wangjie) and her mother Nishi (Otsuka Ningning) running the "Tokoro" hotel in Kawasaki, Ise City, Mie Prefecture. The craftsman of Ise Haruki, Sakamoto (Kokura Hisahide), and the whole town are very pleased with him
Honda Wangjie stars in "Welcome Back to Nagara Town Ise~", and the story tells of Natsumi Nishikawa (Honda Wangjie) and her mother Nishi (Otsuka Ningning) running the "Tokoro" hotel in Kawasaki, Ise City, Mie Prefecture. The craftsman of Ise Haruki, Sakamoto (Kokura Hisahide), and the whole town are very pleased with him