The movie adaptation of the same IP as "Under the Golden Clothes". During the reign of Emperor Jiajing, the first deputy Xia Yan was framed and dismissed from office. During the investigation of this case, his son, Jin Yi Wei Xia Peng, was caught up in a mysterious conspiracy involving a series of opponents such as a strange man, a fierce pirate, and a puppet manipulating people's hearts. However, he did not expect the case to happen
The movie adaptation of the same IP as "Under the Golden Clothes". During the reign of Emperor Jiajing, the first deputy Xia Yan was framed and dismissed from office. During the investigation of this case, his son, Jin Yi Wei Xia Peng, was caught up in a mysterious conspiracy involving a series of opponents such as a strange man, a fierce pirate, and a puppet manipulating people's hearts. However, he did not expect the case to happen