The story takes place in Fengtian City in the 21st century. It tells the story of the protagonists Gong An Xiaowu, Yuan Feifei, Bai Yu, Zhou Hao, Jin Hao, Chen Mo, and others whose battle card machines were accidentally activated due to the introduction of an R program, thus starting the nationwide popular level battle arena competition. In the increasingly fierce battle hall clearance process, the villainous boss Black War God
The story takes place in Fengtian City in the 21st century. It tells the story of the protagonists Gong An Xiaowu, Yuan Feifei, Bai Yu, Zhou Hao, Jin Hao, Chen Mo, and others whose battle card machines were accidentally activated due to the introduction of an R program, thus starting the nationwide popular level battle arena competition. In the increasingly fierce battle hall clearance process, the villainous boss Black War God