Seven years ago, Tang Daxing (played by Sun Honglei) was sentenced to prison for intentional injury. Now that he has been released from prison, he is surprised by the changes in the city when he returns to Beijing. Even his girlfriend Xiaohui (played by Ning Jing)'s way of welcoming him has left him perplexed. After returning home, you must first report to the local police station, where Lu Qilin (played by Zhao Baogang) works
Seven years ago, Tang Daxing (played by Sun Honglei) was sentenced to prison for intentional injury. Now that he has been released from prison, he is surprised by the changes in the city when he returns to Beijing. Even his girlfriend Xiaohui (played by Ning Jing)'s way of welcoming him has left him perplexed. After returning home, you must first report to the local police station, where Lu Qilin (played by Zhao Baogang) works